Featured Card of the Day – Ace of Air – Dreams of Gaia by Ravynne Phelan

Artist: Ravynne Phelan

Website: http://www.RavynnePhelan.com


New Ideas, Personal Truths, Paradigms, Originality, Individualization, Motivation, Choices, Belief

Key Phrases

– A new personal ideology
– Unlearn and let go
– Fact and genuine knowledge
– Honor personal truths
– Know your mind
– Reality is first conceived in the mind
– Be excited and motivated
– Are old beliefs sabotaging future goals?

Card Meaning

The Ace of Air symbolizes a new way of thinking. It suggests that it is now time to let go of old outdated beliefs and ideas that no longer serve, and make way for a new, and independently formed, personal ideology. It is time to unlearn and let go of ideas and opinions born of societal conditioning, inaccuracies, and false assumptions – and replace them with ideas born of self-awareness, fact, and genuine knowledge. It is also time to recognize both for what they are, and learn to differentiate between the two.

Its appearance in your reading lets you know it is time to honor personal truths that have foundation in your own experiences, instead of embracing the truths of others, and making them your own. To do otherwise is to wear an ill-fitting pair of shoes borrowed, or stolen, from another. While they may protect your feet, they will also pinch and rub, and, over time, can do more harm than good. It is time to realize that to travel well and to go the distance, you need a pair of shoes that fit well because they are made for you specifically.

It is the same with personal ideology. Your life experiences will offer lessons that impart both practical knowledge and wisdom. Objective analysis can provide insight and understanding that reveals how your life experiences, thoughts and emotions influence all of your choices and the outcomes born of those choices. Your physical reality is first conceived within the mind.

The Ace of Air is offering an opportunity to embrace new paradigms and patterns, and to replace those that limit and restrict you. Now, you can change your mind, and in doing so, change the way you make the choices that determine your direction and shape your reality. You can cut away all that clouds judgment and perception, and prevents you from knowing your true mind. Clarity will come with peeling away the layers of imposed dogma, and beliefs born of past disappointments and hurts.

The Ace of Air also symbolizes a time of feeling motivated and excited by the ideas in your head, your goals, and dreams, because they are yours. It is a time to take them and make them more. This marks the beginning of an individualization process we all must go through in order to realize our fullest potential.

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