Card of the Day – 10 of Cups – Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jupiter is standing still in the sky today, and at some point in your day, is returning to direct motion. It is our planet of expansion, our giver of gifts and good luck, now poised to start dropping its blessings to many, giving some a double dose of good luck along the way. In two days, we will have a New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer making many themes this week appear to be more emotionally-based. The 10 of Cups feels appropriate here as it sort of ties the two of these together to move you closer to the happiness you seek.

The 10 of Cups is a card of emotional fulfillment, and, it is entirely possible (let’s not forget yesterday’s Star card), to see some incredible highs, even if they do not directly affect us, as well as some lows, for we are well into a roller coaster of an Eclipse season which promises to bring massive change. Family matters can come up around this card, and no coincidence here that the sign of Cancer is all about family. These are emotional times and people are very much a part of the equation. No matter which direction it seems to be going for you, be prepared to ride it out to the other side, somewhere toward the end of August.

See you here tomorrow!

Source:  Black Cats Tarot

This card was last seen June 4, 2018

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