Featured Card of the Day – 9 of Cups – Lightseer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly

Artist: Chris-Anne Donnelly

Key Concepts

Light Seer: gifts from the Universe, choosing joy, manifested dreams, gratitude, abundance, stepping into alignment with purpose, using all of your gifts

Shadow Seer: delayed gratification, unfulfilled desires, smugness, un-manifested dreams, greed blocking your path, not appreciating the simple things in life, a need to find the rocket-fuel of positivity and optimism

Message from the 9 of Cups

Yes! Those dreams you’ve been dreaming? Those feelings you’ve been chasing? They are headed your way and you will be able to unpack the gift you really want as a result. The appearance of this card in your spread is an auspicious message of prosperity, abundance and getting what you desire – and it is often fittingly called ‘the wish card.’ What have you been wishing for? Do a happy dance because the Universe is sending some gifts your way! Allow yourself to receive them, and experience how fulfilling this journey be. Consciously immerse your life with all the laughter and bliss needed to launch you into the next phase of your happiness! Take stock of all of the feels that are surfacing and remember to practice gratitude for the manifestation of your dreams. In shadow, this card can suggest dissatisfaction or frustration with unmanifested dreams. Sometimes this may stem from having too much focus on material gain, and missing out on opportunities to connect from your heart. Sometimes,this focus can manifest as smugness, especially when emotional needs are not being met. True joy stems from connecting with others. Bolster and nurture relationships, and find your 9 of Cups joy by giving others your love. Even in shadow this joyful card suggests that good things are on the way. Open your heart to receive them!

Connect with Chris-Anne Donnelly:

Website: http://www.Chris-Anne.com

Facebook: Chris-Anne.com/Pixelbrand

Instagram: pixiecurio

Twitter: @_ChrisAnne

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