Featured Card of the Day – Page of Swords – Lightseer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly

Artist: Chris-Anne Donnelly

Key Concepts

Light Seer: restless energy, a thirst for information, learning new things, an apprentice or student, intellectual pursuits, ideas and reasoning, old ideals destroyed, an honors student, being tested or judged (as in a student exam), a time to let go of worry, a messenger

Shadow Seer: rumors (a little birdie told me), broken promises, lies, slander, trying to solve emotional or spiritual issues with intellect or reason, projecting your feelings outwards, being all talk and no action

Message from the Page of Swords

The promise of exciting new beginnings and this thirst for knowledge? Hello Page of Swords energy! You are actively seeking answers right now. Where am I going? How does this thing work? What will I learn when I arrive? The Page energy asks you to look at how you are synthesizing your reality, suggesting that your over-identification with your own mind makes you believe that everything you are thinking is real. Be open to the lessons the Universe is sending your way, and if you’ve been accidentally lulled into assuming your truth is the one and only truth, this is a perfect time to try on another’s point of view. Learn to synthesize the facts in a new way. The air of inventiveness that hovers around your current pursuit suggests that your goals will be met when you stay on the path of honesty and clarity, especially where your interactions with others are concerned. (Ahem. Keep it real, dude!) And take a deep breath. Calming any nervous energy you are holding onto will help bring those ideas down to earth.

Page beginnings always feel exciting. Keep the light bulbs of curiosity turned on, and cultivate a beginner’s mind-set as you strive to learn new things! Avoid falling into gossip or even arrogance with your communication – in shadow this know-it-all Page can be all talk and no action. Remember that everyone who crosses your path has something specific to teach you, and that mirrors are all around. Remain open to unexpected lesson, share truthfully, and delight in every interaction.

Connect with Chris-Anne Donnelly:

Website: http://www.Chris-Anne.com

Facebook: Chris-Anne.com/Pixelbrand

Instagram: pixiecurio

Twitter: @_ChrisAnne

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