Card of the Day – King of Wands – Monday, December 2, 2019

What a marvelous card for a Monday!  Today, Jupiter leaves home sign of Sagittarius and moves into Capricorn through December 19, 2020, adding to the Capricorn flavor already in place.  Capricorn is serious and business-minded, much like our King of Wands; I frequently refer to him as the Boss Man of the Tarot.  Pay close attention in the coming weeks and months to what is happening, as I will have much more to say about the growing Capricorn influence in your life.  To hear what I have to say about Jupiter, which will play a major role in your 2020, be sure to listen to my Jupiter Tarot Guidance available on Patreon.

Think of today as the real beginning of December, and you stepping up and taking charge of  your life, enacting your vision.  It will not be complete this month, but you can indeed make major strides by using this King of Wands to clearly see what it is that needs to be done.  He has the power and the ability to know these things and will empower you to make the necessary changes to take you into 2020 and beyond.  You are entering a part of your timeline which you will not soon forget, and this special King will help you to determine some big moves to take at the time of the Solstice and the New Moon.  Stay tuned; it only gets better from here.  To access my Tarot Card of the Day at the earliest possible time, download the FREE PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me on your favorite podcast platform.  Also, if enough of you join PodBean, I will release my December Love and Finance there for free.

See you here tomorrow!

Source:  Divine Diversity Tarot by Joe Phillips

This card was last seen November 11, 2019

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