Card of the Day – 5 of Cups – Tuesday, December 15, 2020

It is typical, during any eclipse season, to experience some sort of loss. What is being eclipsed could be a relationship, a situation, or even a habit. As yesterday’s eclipse plays out over the next six months and beyond, it is possible to see any of these occur. But, by all means, no pity parties! Rather than focusing on what has been lost, focus on what remains. There are positive influences in your life which are deserving of your attention. Remember, New Moons bring new beginnings, and you have the opportunity here to begin something spectacular. Do not let “what was” stand in the way of “what can be”.

The 5 of Cups signals loss, disappointment, broken relationships, and generally reminds one of the old saying, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk.” It is time to move on, and this Solar Eclipse is an extremely positive one, Take a good look around at what you do have, and see what can be built. Over time, it will grow, and fill the space in your life and soul which feels vacated. The Universe is merely helping you make room for new things. Embrace the changes; everything else is just water under the bridge. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app on your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Steven Bright, for the Pride Tarot, a collaborative deck, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, available through U.S. Games Systems

This card was last seen July 1, 2020

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Bonus video – December Love and Finance Tarot Guidance:

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