Card of the Day – 6 of Pentacles – Monday, April 19, 2021

It is possible that today may find you, as well as others, in a kinder, more charitable mood, thanks to a trine between the Moon and Neptune. This tends to bring out the softer, more sensitive and compassionate side of people, leading to acts of kindness and generosity. Do note that not all generosity is monetary, and you do not need to give away what you have to be charitable toward those deemed less fortunate. Perhaps today is a day where a Food Bank has set up a pickup, providing necessities for those who are doing without them. You can find yourself on either the giving or receiving end of such generous behavior, whether volunteering, or picking up to help out your family.

The 6 of Pentacles is a card of balance, referencing the give-and-take of life, which is so often anything but equal. It serves as a reminder that sharing is caring, but one must not forget to take care of themselves as well, for once your resources are depleted, you will not likely find the resources to refill, leaving you in a position to help no one, including yourself. Being a Monday, and for many the start of a new work week, delegation is something which will help the new week go much smoother. Provided everyone does their fair share, the job should not feel like such a heavy load. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Cosmic Cycles Tarot, by Miriam E.G.

This card was last seen December 10, 2020

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