Card of the Day – Queen of Pentacles (Disks) – Friday, July 23, 2021

What a beautiful start to your weekend! This beautiful Queen is here to make certain you are filled, your needs met, and not longing for much. To me, she is the ultimate Mom card, with her caretaking and nurturing ways, as she does what is necessary to ensure you do not need to go without anything. This could be you today, as you are finishing up your workweek perhaps, perhaps making a trip to the grocery store, and planning a wonderful meal for those you love. Her earthiness in her approach to things is what makes her so special, and whether you are her, or you are lucky enough to have her in your life, she is definitely a treasure.

The Queen of Pentacles concerns herself with there being enough, as in enough money, enough food, and a roof over your head. She can be proud of her accomplishments, no matter the size of her bank account, and she is willing to put in the work to make sure you have what you need. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot by Kelly Burton

This card was last seen May 1, 2021

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