Card of the Day – 2 of Wands – Sunday, September 5, 2021

It has been quite some time now that you have been trying to get on the right road for your change, as the road you have been on has been a long and arduous one. Tomorrow brings a most special New Moon 14° Virgo, which, on its own may not sound that exciting, but the aspects supporting it are absolutely glorious and designed to move you forward to where you need to be. You can hear more about it on my New Moon Tarot Guidance, available now on any of my subscription platforms. So, here you are. at the fork in the road, with the whole world at your feet. Which way will you choose to go?

The 2 of Wands can indicate a decision point, a crossroads on your path, a choice to be made between two different directions, and that it is time to leave a path you have been traveling for a while. This may be just the moment, and the impetus, which you need to set you off to where you need to be. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot by Kelly Burton

This card was last seen December 13, 2020

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