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Saturn in Aquarius through March 7, 2023

Saturn leaves home sign of Capricorn, not to return for 29 years.  The Aquarius transit is not as harsh as some others, making it much easier to navigate, and to […]

Pluto Retrograde

When you take into consideration the shadow period of Pluto retrograde, in this case January 6 until now, then post-shadow running from October 8, 2022 until January 29, 2023, you […]

Jupiter in Aries

What an incredibly dynamic energy, from which everyone can benefit. Jupiter in Aries prompts you to put yourself first, to lead the way, and to go boldly into your future. This is Cardinal, Fire energy, and it is like rocket fuel for the soul. Jupiter broadens your perspectives, your horizons, and in Aries, allows you […]

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

As Saturn appears to move backward in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius for the next four months, its grip will feel a bit loosened, and some of the restrictions will […]

Sun in Cancer

As the Sun moves one step closer to home, it visits Cancer for the next four weeks. The Sun's entrance into Cancer occurs at the time of the Summer/Winter Solstice, […]

Venus in Gemini

When Venus transits Gemini, you can expect a more social atmosphere, on a more mental plane. Conversation of substance becomes important, and idle chit-chat will not do. There is a tendency to be a bit fussy now, when it comes to what you want, and when and how you want it. Typical Gemini energy is […]

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Neptune, currently at home in Pisces, spends about 14 years in each sign, and retrogrades each year for approximately five months at a time.  When it comes to illusion, Neptune is the master, but when retrograde, the truth of the illusion is revealed.  The reality you discover may not always be pretty, but it will […]

Mars in Taurus

In Taurus, Mars is considered to be in detriment, as Taurus is opposite Scorpio, one of the two signs ruled by the red planet. Mars in Taurus could have some proclaiming they are a lover, not a fighter, and after six weeks in Aries, a less combative energy is likely to be appreciated. The aggressor […]

Mercury in Cancer

There is a shift which takes place here, almost setting aside the more intellectual part of Mercury, in favor of paying attention to intuition. Heightened intuition can be a good […]