
Saturn in Pisces

Saturn visits a sign approximately every twenty-nine years.  On occasion, it will retrograde back into the previous sign for a short while, then return to finish out its transit, but […]

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

When you take into consideration the shadow period of Pluto retrograde, in this case January 8 until now, then post-shadow running from October 10, 2023 until February 1, 2024, you […]

Jupiter in Taurus

This is a positive transit for all signs, and will encourage everyone to slow their pace a bit, taking the time out to enjoy life. Taurus is indulgent, and bringing […]

Venus in Leo

Leo energy is proud and confident, playful, and radiating warmth.  Under this transit, you will find people have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and matters of the […]

Mercury in Gemini

There’s no place like home!  Mercury in Gemini is a scattered energy, so a To-Do List may come in handy, but you will want to take care of business and […]

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

As Saturn appears to move backward in the dreamy, intuitive, sensitive,  sign of Pisces for the next four months, its grip will feel a bit loosened, and some of the […]

Sun in Cancer

As the Sun moves one step closer to home, it visits Cancer for the next four weeks. The Sun’s entrance into Cancer occurs at the time of the Summer/Winter Solstice, […]

Sun sextile North Node

There are times when you require a little help and support along the way, and this is one of them. What you need you shall have, in the form of […]