Pluto Retrograde

When you take into consideration the shadow period of Pluto retrograde, in this case January 6 until now, then post-shadow running from October 8, 2022 until January 29, 2023, you can understand why the shadow period for Pluto retrograde never comes up in conversation.  Pluto itself takes 248 years to travel through all 12 signs, […]

Jupiter in Aries

What an incredibly dynamic energy, from which everyone can benefit. Jupiter in Aries prompts you to put yourself first, to lead the way, and to go boldly into your future. […]

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

As Saturn appears to move backward in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius for the next four months, its grip will feel a bit loosened, and some of the restrictions will […]

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Neptune, currently at home in Pisces, spends about 14 years in each sign, and retrogrades each year for approximately five months at a time.  When it comes to illusion, Neptune […]

Chiron Retrograde

While Chiron is only a comet, it does receive a great deal of attention, including during its retrograde period.  Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer, and that healing can […]

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter retrogrades once a year, or so, for approximately 4 months, and this particular one will ask you to review the areas which are affected by Aries and Pisces, before […]

Venus in Leo

Leo energy is proud and confident, playful, and radiating warmth.  Under this transit, you will find people have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and matters of the heart could be drama-filled as well.  In both business and love matters, confidence is the best outfit.  Rock it and own it.  You will want […]

Mars in Gemini

Mars only visits a sign about every two years, and normally stays for about six weeks. This particular transit will be a lengthy one, stretching from August 20, 2022 through […]

Sun in Virgo

For the next four weeks, the Sun will transit Virgo, the sign of the perfectionist.  This is a great time to clean out the closets, both literally and figuratively.  Organization becomes a priority, and practicality in matters should be applied now.  While everyone strives to do the right thing, doing things right is of the […]