Tarot by Cecelia

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn visits a sign approximately every twenty-nine years.  On occasion, it will retrograde back into the previous sign for a short while, then return to finish out its transit, but in this case, during Saturn’s first retrograde in Pisces (June 17 through November 4), it will retrograde all the way back to 0°, before resuming forward motion. As stated, this Saturn transit will be through May 24, 2025. It will dip into Pisces one more time from September 1, 2025 until February 13, 2026. One nice thing about Saturn being in Pisces, it could be a less restrictive transit than you have felt in other signs, certainly a welcome change. The previous two transits, in Capricorn, and Aquarius, were likely full-on for you, due to them being signs which Saturn rules. It was much more powerful then. In Pisces, there is an abundance of energy flowing, creative, intuitive, and often confusing, and boundless. On a global scale, events taking place might not work for the masses, and conspiracy theories could run rampant. Do be careful not to allow yourself to get sucked in, as it is easy to succumb to people attempting to pull the wool over your eyes. Scammers will be having a field day during the transit of Saturn in Pisces, and their effects can be devastating. You will not have all the answers now, and keeping your mind open to the possibilities is in your best interest. Remember to keep some boundaries in place, for your own sake, and protection. Exercise your intuition, and learn to use it wisely.  Read below to see what Saturn in Pisces means for your sign:

Aries – Most people are their own worst critic, and Saturn in the twelfth house will find ways to pinpoint your shortcomings to you. Self-review is something which is always important, but if you let it, you could only wind up confused and unhappy. This is Saturn’s way of pushing and prodding you to fix the things you do not like about yourself. All of your baggage has accumulated here, and all of the skeletons in your closet seem adept at coming out and dancing in your face at times, forcing you to face them. The best way to deal with the feelings Saturn brings, is to grab the broom yourself, and to clean the closet. This is a great time to refocus, and to do away with what no longer serves you. So much has collected here, and while you ultimately make outward moves to effect the necessary changes, much of this shall be felt internally. Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin is part of the process, and now you can begin to shed it.

Taurus – The eleventh house deals with groups, connections, and networking, and Saturn does not want to see youn spinning your wheels. Do you belong simply for something to do, as in a social outing? Or does a group to which you belong hold purpose and good intention? These are often the types of things which come up for question when Saturn transits here in your early adult years, asking you to grow up, and to form more responsible associations. In other words, it is possible to begin this Saturn transit with a group of friends or acquaintances who love to party, and end it with a different set of friends, more mature and adult-like, so people like influencers who are all glitz and glamour will hold no appeal. What lies beneath the surface will become more important than what is seen as superficial.

Gemini – Saturn in the tenth house is perhaps one of the most important. Here, it sits right at the top of your chart, and the challenges you face now tend to come in the area of career, and how you are being viewed publicly. This is where the spotlight is on you, and what you have achieved, or not, thus far; so it is possible, if you have done a great job, to actually see rewards for the fruits of your labor, coming your way. Reputation is at stake now, and the lessons which Saturn brings can be cruel, if you have been involved in any unscrupulous behavior. Because it is such a high-profile transit, the greater the spotlight, the tougher it can be for some. Saturn teaches, imposes restrictions and limitations, but it also rewards for lessons learned. You can feel very uncomfortable at times, or experiencing lifelong-achievement awards. It depends on how you have worked up until this point.

Cancer – Saturn loves to bring up questions involving worth and long-term goals, in relation to various aspects of life. In this particular instance, your spiritual beliefs can become a focus, and you will be asked if you are living your highest and best life on the spiritual plane. This is not meant in some woo-woo type of way, but over the course of one’s life, there is a tendency to have a need to reevaluate the goals you have set for yourself spiritually, and how you can improve upon them, in order to live better. Saturn can occasionally put a damper on your optimistic outlook, and you could find you spend much of this transit asking yourself if you are going the right way, and doing the right things, and when it comes to your goals, who do you wish to be when you grow up? You will find new things to be optimistic about during this time, and your sense of adventure could very well change direction, one toward a course you will travel for some time.

Leo – This house can prove to be a very dark one, and how dark truly depends upon the demons you possess. When it comes to your most intimate relationships, if you are obsessive and possessive, and any controlling tendencies you might have, Saturn will quickly show you the error of your ways. Saturn can point out to you the frustrations you experience on a sexual level under this transit, forcing you to consider your choices. This is not just a house of intimacy, addictions, and secrets, however, for it also covers finances, most specifically those of the shared variety. With any Saturn transit, moreso one which can affect your money, it is always wise to do your best to get out ahead of it. At least six months before Saturn’s arrival in your eighth house is the best time to review your financial outlook, and to ensure you have healthy practices in place when it comes to your money.

Virgo – Here, one-on-one relationships can be quite demanding of your attention. The give-and-take, the ability to compromise and negotiate, are all topics requiring examination. Should you feel relationships always have the same outcome, how you choose them, the role you play in them, and the actual commitment you give in your participation to the commitment, will be up for scrutiny. These relationships do not necessarily need to be ones of marriage, but could certainly force you to review your part, and that of your significant other. If divorce is considered at this time, finding long-term solutions in settlement is key. In the area of any new relationship you might wish to begin, you will not seek something frivolous and fun, or even a one-night stand. You will want to commit to a partner with whom you can be together forever.

Libra – How you do what you do becomes a key focus of Saturn in your sixth house. Are you efficient? Is your life full of clutter, hindering your progress? You are being urged to find new ways to increase productivity, through improved work habits, and streamlining areas where outmoded methods are being used. Creating better work routines will help life itself to flow more smoothly. Your health and your habits, those of the more ritualistic type, are covered here as well. Saturn can appear to be quite cruel in this placement, sending you to the ER, if it is necessary, in order to get your attention. It is quite wise, when you know this transit is heading your way, to begin ahead of time, looking for both new diet and exercise regimens which will ward off any imposed limitations to your health. Most bad habits figure right into all of this, with both work and health, and only you are aware of your own self-sabotage. You and Saturn, that is.

Scorpio – Lessons regarding the ego, and whether or not yours is in alignment, can be a part of this lengthy transit. Saturn could choose to knock you down, a peg or two, or if self-esteem is an issue, teach you to value yourself more. Creativity comes into question in this house, and you might initially be pondering yours, when it comes to getting a particular creative project off the ground. Hard work on your part will enable you to create something sustainable for the long term. Most people do enjoy having fun, and fifth house energy relates to this, but Saturn’s restrictive influences cause you to evaluate your work ethic, when it comes to the balance between work and play. How you view romance, and your worthiness with this Saturn placement, will teach you a great deal about yourself, what you allow, and what you truly deserve.

Sagittarius – The desire for a forever home might be very strong at this time. While it is likely you already have a home, even one you consider to be permanent, there is a great deal which can occur surrounding the dynamic of both home and family. Feeling a need to put down roots and to create stability for the long term is possible. Saturn has a way of presenting challenges to these situations, and encouraging you to put practices into place, whereby you do not wind up in the same position again, whatever it might be. If the taskmaster planet decides to impose financial restrictions, making it difficult to maintain a place of residence, you will learn to find ways to set aside the proper finances, in order to prevent a repeat. Lessons brought on by family matters could lead to the setting of some new boundaries.

Capricorn – In the third house, Saturn is all about communication, errands, and siblings. How you communicate, with whom, is all up for review. Saturn is concerned with good structure and long-term stability, so conversations of a more serious nature are in order. Your mood could be more somber at times, and idle chit-chat simply will not do. The muck of routine might prove to be too much, prompting you to find ways to be more efficient, or to streamline the humdrum errands of life. The likelihood of some of them seeming overcomplicated is possible. Saturn’s restrictive nature is often felt through particular situations, and in this instance, this feeling comes by way of siblings. There are so many ways people can block your growth and potential, putting a damper on your plans. The lessons are many during this Saturn transit, and perhaps by the end you shall find the proper words to convey your feelings and to stick up for yourself.

Aquarius – Saturn’s move into your second house will ultimately make you more serious, when it comes to the handling of your finances. It is not to say you will be lacking, but, you will, however, learn the value of hard-earned money. This comes through hard work itself, and learning ways to handle your finances responsibly. Remember, it is Jupiter who imparts the good fortune; Saturn’s job is to remind you to be wise with whatever you have. Also, throughout this transit, your own self-worth is a topic of importance. Certain aspects occurring during this time could offer up some depressing influences, and lessons of self-care, and -worth, shall appear from time to time, driving home the lessons necessary to show you exactly what you are capable of bringing into the world. By the end of this transit, you should have sound financial practices in place, and far more confidence in yourself and your abilities than when it began.

Pisces – In this position, Saturn is all about the self, including health, perception of self, and even confidence. Saturn has a way of showing you right from the start where you might have an area your health could be in need of attention. Learning how to better care for onself, during such a Saturn transit, can help you put better practices into place from which you can benefit for the long term. Should you be feeling less than, for any reason, lacking in confidence, and concerned with how others view you, then this will be a topic which requires addressing over the next couple of years. Saturn is here to teach you how to value yourself more, increase your confidence, and to take better care of your body. Heed the lessons coming your way, and let the teacher teach you your worth, and to re-establish your identity.

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