Mars square Chiron

This is definitely not an easy transit to deal with, and the best way is probably to just rip off the bandaid. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is currently in the sign of Aries, and Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is in Capricorn, its sign of exaltation, so the urge to act is a well-meaning […]

Mercury sextile Chiron

This aspect can be put to its best use by bringing great minds together to work on solutions, whether it is within a think tank, or brainstorming within your group of family, friends, or associates.  While Chiron is the healer, Mercury is the thinker and communicator, showing that this is a time where great ideas […]

Venus sextile Chiron

Venus is very supportive of your self-worth in this aspect, and healing can come through feeling good about yourself. You will find others feeling the same way about you, but do not base your own self-worth on their opinions. Allow yourself to be elevated, and to know you are worth all you seek.

Mars sextile Chiron

Often, with Chiron transits, facing past wounds in order to heal them, can feel a bit daunting. However, Mars provides the courage and the assertiveness to look your problems straight in the eye, and to take affirmative action to do something about them.

New Moon 11° Aries

This appears to be a rather pleasant New Moon, and one which should be used to further your goals, while the skies are still retrograde-free. Passions will run high now, and energy focused on the pursuit of your intentions should produce favorable results. There is a strong emotional attachment to family bonds at this time, […]

Sun conjunct Chiron

Whenever you encounter a Chiron transit, it is designed to have you face your wounds in order to heal them, in order to move forward from them, each with a […]

Mercury conjunct Chiron

This one may come with some mental challenges, for when you think about it, many of your wounds likely do stem from your thought processes. It stands to reason facing them in a mental capacity does not always happen easily.

Sun conjunct Mercury

Also known as a Mercury Cazimi (meaning in the heart of the Sun). Sun conjunct Mercury is the best possible aspect for communications and thinking.  Mentally, this can be a very busy day for you, allowing you to clear your desk and maintain the mental focus needed to see projects through to completion.  It is […]

Mercury sextile Saturn

This is a great time to be going over any important papers, documents which need to be signed, and any type of critical thinking which you may have had difficulty […]

Mercury sextile Mars

This personal-planet combination may be just what you need to get you going. It encompasses both mental and physical attributes, and when both the mind and body choose to cooperate, […]