Mercury sextile Chiron

This transit allows you to face what is hurting you head on, to be able to confront it, to speak about it, and to learn from it, in order to […]

Sun sextile Chiron

The Sun has a way of putting you in the spotlight, and with a positive aspect, such as this sextile, the view others have of you, and even yours of […]

Mars square Chiron

This is definitely not an easy transit to deal with, and the best way is probably to just rip off the bandaid. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is currently in the […]

Mercury sextile Chiron

This aspect can be put to its best use by bringing great minds together to work on solutions, whether it is within a think tank, or brainstorming within your group of family, friends, or associates.  While Chiron is the healer, Mercury is the thinker and communicator, showing that this is a time where great ideas […]

Venus sextile Chiron

Venus is very supportive of your self-worth in this aspect, and healing can come through feeling good about yourself. You will find others feeling the same way about you, but do not base your own self-worth on their opinions. Allow yourself to be elevated, and to know you are worth all you seek.

Sun in Aries

If you have been looking for your get-up-and-go to get something done, look no further than the Sun in Aries transit. The energy now will be much more spontaneous, and could find you literally sitting and contemplating one minute, then appearing to be a whirling dervish the next. Even though this fiery sign can be […]