Mars sextile Chiron

Often, with Chiron transits, facing past wounds in order to heal them, can feel a bit daunting. However, Mars provides the courage and the assertiveness to look your problems straight in the eye, and to take affirmative action to do something about them.

Mercury in Aries

You could feel emboldened to speak your truth during this transit, but you should think about your words carefully before speaking them. The Aries style of communication has a way […]

New Moon 11° Aries

This appears to be a rather pleasant New Moon, and one which should be used to further your goals, while the skies are still retrograde-free. Passions will run high now, […]

Sun conjunct Chiron

Whenever you encounter a Chiron transit, it is designed to have you face your wounds in order to heal them, in order to move forward from them, each with a […]

Mercury conjunct Chiron

This one may come with some mental challenges, for when you think about it, many of your wounds likely do stem from your thought processes. It stands to reason facing […]

Sun conjunct Mercury

Also known as a Mercury Cazimi (meaning in the heart of the Sun). Sun conjunct Mercury is the best possible aspect for communications and thinking.  Mentally, this can be a […]

Mercury sextile Saturn

This is a great time to be going over any important papers, documents which need to be signed, and any type of critical thinking which you may have had difficulty with during other transits.  Today is a good day to sign on the dotted line, obviously after a thorough review of all the details. When […]

Mercury sextile Mars

This personal-planet combination may be just what you need to get you going. It encompasses both mental and physical attributes, and when both the mind and body choose to cooperate, there is not much which you can not do. Mercury of course, is your thought and communication, and now it is clearer, and more purposeful, […]

Mercury square Pluto

This combination is best used in your quest for the truth. If there is something you need to get to the bottom of, now would be the time to investigate. […]

Sun sextile Saturn

Normally, when you hear Saturn, you probably want to run the other way. In this case, you can embrace all this sextile has to offer. If your work ethic has been suffering in any way, or you simply feel you can not reach your goals, because the things you need to do are too hard, […]