Venus sextile Jupiter

Good times, good food, great sex, and great friends.  This is pretty much a win-win aspect, unless you go totally overboard.  It is a very social time, lending itself to […]

Mars trine Jupiter

This aspect is just what you need to have that mental edge necessary to go forth with your plans, and being willing to take risks, in order to be successful.  Jupiter is there to provide the success, while Mars gives you the impetus to take action.  Maintain a positive attitude, as you go after what […]

Venus trine Jupiter

Dating gets the green light during this transit, and even if that is not your thing, socializing will definitely work to your advantage. The outlook is optimistic now, and the […]

Mercury trine Jupiter

Good news is possible today, and it can come in many forms, during this sociable transit.  Mentally, things are looking up, for Jupiter will throw in a healthy dose of […]

Venus trine Jupiter

Dating gets the green light during this transit, and even if that is not your thing, socializing will definitely work to your advantage. The outlook is optimistic now, and the […]