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Saturn in Aquarius through March 7, 2023

Saturn leaves home sign of Capricorn, not to return for 29 years.  The Aquarius transit is not as harsh as some others, making it much easier to navigate, and to […]

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Jupiter in Aquarius

A much needed, and welcome, energy change, could not come soon enough.  Capricorn energy is fine if you are focused on getting the job done and meeting your goals.  Jupiter has not been so comfortable there, and, considering that Jupiter expands things, trying to meet one's goals for the past year may have felt rather […]

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Pluto Retrograde

When you take into consideration the shadow period of Pluto retrograde, in this case January 4 until now, then post-shadow running from October 6, 2021 until January 27, 2022, you […]

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Sun in Leo

There’s no place like home!  For the next four weeks, the Sun takes up residence in home sign of Leo.  The very essence of the Sun embodies Leo characteristics, passionate, fun-loving, over-the-top drama, shining a light on your gifts and talents, vitality, warmth, taking center stage.  Wherever Leo is for you personally is an area […]

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Mars in Virgo

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Mercury in Virgo

Mercury is now home, and, in Virgo, thought and communcation tend to take on more serious tones, much less playful and fun-loving than when in Leo. It is time to get down to business, decluttering, organizing, and finding practical solutions to any issues you have at this time. Thought processes are more efficient in this […]

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Venus in Libra