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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries – Sunday, September 27, 2015

What a powerful Full Moon. It will be a Full Lunar Eclipse in Aries. Be prepared for huge endings and the permanent closing of doors. But this is not a bad thing. Not at all. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so the beginnings in your life will be dramatic to say the least. Doors for new beginnings will open. Here is my #Tarot guidance for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. 

This is a moon of endings and manifestation. What a beautiful thing. You are being released from a prison you put yourself in long ago. News that brings these changes will come to the forefront at this time. Watch for it from September 22 through October 2. There is that ugh feeling in there of a finally because you couldn’t have gone one more step. The huge ending that comes into your life at this time helps for the stress to lift. You will gradually feel as if the universe is beating up on you less and less. 

You will feel as though you finally have some help with a burden you have carried for so long. Perhaps someone else picks it up and carries it for you. There is a sadness associated with this. You did not fail. That marriage was over long ago. That business ran it’s course. It is time to work on your self worth and see what the universe has in store for you. Stop worrying. 

Incredible strength and patience brought you this far and you appear to have learned the lesson. Part of it is love…love for yourself. By letting go of, and cutting away, what no longer works, you may now begin to recover. Your hopes and dreams are right in front of you. Be realistic about them. 

It’s amazing how far you have come. You receive what you need in a grand way. The timing is right and the universe will hand it to you. Happiness that has long eluded you begins to creep back into your life and you start to rise above the hard times. You will be seeing things much clearer now and in a couple of weeks the fog will really begin to clear. For many of you this may be financial. For others, it is on so many other levels. Your worth increases and you are much more grounded than you have been in a long time. Stay in tune with those around you and be kind. We are all in this together. ❤️

Also see:

September Astro-Tarot

The Path You’ve Chosen

Mercury Retrograde

Autumn Equinox

Mars in Virgo

Pluto Direct

Uranus Retrograde

Jupiter in Virgo

Saturn in Sagittarius 

Surviving the Shift

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