Tarot by Cecelia

Featured Card of the Day – 5 of Cups – Monstarot from Joanna Nelson Studio

Artist: Joanna Nelson

Website: JoannaNelsonStudio.com


Loss, sadness, mourning

Artist Interpretation

The little monster stands with three cups of spilt milk before him. He is feeling a sense of loss and disappointment. He is so overcome by that feeling that he has not noticed that two cups stll stand behind him full. He is separated from his mushroom home on the other side of the river. If he can emotionally recover from his loss and turn his pessimistic attitude into an optimistic outlook, he will find the bridge provided for him to cross in order to return back to his place of safety and comfort.

Card Meaning

Currently, life is rough, with loss dragging you into despair. But not all hope is gone, cups still stand full, if only you can see them. You can choose how you let this affect you – either you can wallow in the pain, or let the tears wash it away and help you heal.

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