Tarot by Cecelia

Featured Card of the Day – King of Cups – Monstarot from Joanna Nelson Studio

Artist: Joanna Nelson

Website: JoannaNelsonStudio.com


Sensitive, balance, wise

Artist Interpretation

He is a generous and creative soul. The King calmly rides the waves of the sea. He is in control. Alongside him a paper boat follows the motion of the ocean. The King notices a winged jelly flying out from the water into the sky, a message to him that unconscious has been allowed to break through.

Card Meaning

Use your emotions, but stay in control. The King is always calm, unruffled by the turmoil around him. Keeping his dignity and discipline at all times, he commands you to maintain an even balance between your heart and your head. You should appreciate your feelings, acknowledging that they can bring you great insight, but you should not rely on instinct alone.

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(Please note, if you wish to own a copy of Monstarot, contact Joanna through the Facebook link above and provide your email address)

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