Tarot by Cecelia

Featured Card of the Day – 9 of Wands – Monstarot from Joanna Nelson Studio

Artist: Joanna Nelson

Website: JoannaNelsonStudio.com


Perseverance, weariness, steadfastness

Artist Interpretation

This resilient little monster leans a bit on his wand, weary but full of determination as a wall of wands protects him for his final challenge.

Card Meaning

You can do this! It’s been hard, you’ve worked and fought for a long tiime. You’ve got much further to go, and you know this, but for now you need to rest, and regroup to get there. There is one last hurdle to face and you need all your determination to succeed. But you’re confident, despite your tiredness…you’ve learned so much on the way to this point, easily enough to overcome any obstacles left in your way. You know, that with a little time to focus your energies, you’ll come out triumphant.

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(Please note, if you wish to own a copy of Monstarot, contact Joanna through the Facebook link above and provide your email address)

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