Sun sextile Jupiter

It is said good things are worth the wait, and this is no doubt one of the more fortunate aspects available. Key words relatable to this transit are good luck, good fortune, optimism, confidence, and perhaps even a dash of happiness. It does not get much better than this. The timing is perfect for attaining […]

Venus sextile Saturn

A one-night stand will simply not do under this influence, since Saturn takes commitment very seriously. This is not the time for dating apps as it is difficult to ascertain […]

Mars in Aries

Welcome home! Mars only visits a sign every two years, so making it home to Aries is a big deal for this personal planet. It is the planet of action […]

Venus square Pluto

If you have any type of relationship which is already strained, this could prove to be a hot-button moment. Someone attempting a power grab, in order to have complete control, […]

Mars conjunct Jupiter

This is not a frequent transit, only occurring every couple of years, so when it arrives, it is important to take advantage of all it has to offer. Mars is […]

Mars square North Node

This is a transit concerning the direction which you are taking, and if you are not careful, you could end up on the wrong side of the equation. Mars' energy […]

Sun sextile Chiron

The Sun has a way of putting you in the spotlight, and with a positive aspect, such as this sextile, the view others have of you, and even yours of yourself, tends to be quite favorable. When Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is involved, wounds are easier in this case, to face head on, and to […]

Mars conjunct Chiron

When painful experiences in life have conditioned you to hold back out of shame and fear, these two show up, putting the pain front and center. However, this time, you […]

Mercury sextile Jupiter

This may very well be Mercury at its finest, working for you, to improve the quality of your life. It is a very social transit, and you can benefit greatly […]

Mercury sextile Chiron

This aspect can be put to its best use by bringing great minds together to work on solutions, whether it is within a think tank, or brainstorming within your group […]