Venus in Gemini

When Venus transits Gemini, you can expect a more social atmosphere, on a more mental plane. Conversation of substance becomes important, and idle chit-chat will not do. There is a […]

Venus sextile Chiron

Venus is very supportive of your self-worth in this aspect, and healing can come through feeling good about yourself. You will find others feeling the same way about you, but do not base your own self-worth on their opinions. Allow yourself to be elevated, and to know you are worth all you seek.

Venus trine Saturn

When Saturn gets involved, you are in it for the long haul.  Venus, of course, is all about love and money.  This is an aspect which will require a long-term […]

Venus square Neptune

If you ever find yourself feeling prone to self-esteem issues, unhappy when you glance while passing a mirror, then chin up during this aspect.  Neptune can have a way of distorting things, and you may not be feeling worthy or attractive right now, while Venus is all about your self-worth.  Do know that if these […]

Venus in Cancer

Venus leaves Gemini and moves into the water sign of Cancer.  The energy is much more loving, caring, nurturing, and sensitive, bringing out the softer side of Venus.  In matters of the heart, it may be more difficult to get past that hard outer shell, to the soft, squishy interior, but once there, the love […]

Venus square Jupiter

You may be wanting to shirk off responsibilities to do any serious work today, in favor of doing something fun and exciting.  Any social activities are favored at this time, but if you are prone to any types of excess, such as food, alcohol, drugs, or gambling, to name a few, you may wish to […]

Venus sextile Mars

This is not a frequent transit, however, it is one of which you may wish to take advantage.  If romance is what you have been craving, this is a social aspect which will have you looking and feeling good about yourself.  Remember, one you feel good and confident due to Venus, Mars can step in […]

Venus trine Neptune

Heightened sensitivity in matters of love is possible now, if you can set aside any fantasizing about who/what the perfect love for you may be.  Neptune’s influence can cause one to don the rose-colored glasses, which can be known to skew the truth of things.  Often it is possible to believe that everyone you encounter […]

Venus oppose Pluto

Obsessions in relationships can become very pronounced during this transit.  Jealous tendencies may be exhibited, much to one’s detriment, as the need to control, and perhaps even isolate another, in […]

Venus in Leo

Leo energy is proud and confident, playful, and radiating warmth.  Under this transit, you will find people have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, and matters of the heart could be drama-filled as well.  In both business and love matters, confidence is the best outfit.  Rock it and own it.  You will want […]