Tarot by Cecelia

Featured Card of the Day – 9 of Swords – Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Artist:  Paulina Cassidy 

Website:  http://www.paulina.ws


Perspective, oppression, anxiety, hope, light.

Artist Interpretation 

Frozen by fear, Woe sits in a tree, terrified by the piranah-like monsters around him. If only he were to look up and see the heartflowers dangling from the branches, he’d discover that a change in perspective will make all the difference in the world.

Card Meaning 

When worry and anxiety overtake your life, it’s time for some soul-searching and mind-healing. Change will begin once you recognize that you need a change, and even a small change can make a big difference in your perspective. Release those mental-fears, and have faith that there is always a solution. The darkest hour is before the dawn, and the sun shall soon be rising.


Distrust and suspicion. Total isolation.

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