Tarot by Cecelia

The Path You’ve Chosen – July, 2017

Open your mind to the possibilities; truly nothing can keep you from the pursuit of your hopes and dreams but you. Finally, achieving your heart’s desire does not seem so far-fetched and you are making progress going forward, while marching to the beat of a different drummer. There will be some part of what you are doing, however, which needs to conform to the rules of society. It is ok, because your efforts are worthwhile. You are making decisions toward a new and improved life and know that what you have been wishing for grows closer day by day.

You may be navigating lone-wolf style in order to pull all of this off, but don’t back down to the finger pointing of others. What you are creating will resemble a tempest in a teapot by August, and sweeping changes will come swirling through, in tornadic fashion. This is not an emotional time for you, rather it is time to get things done. You may be feeling extremely organized in your approach and possess tremendous clarity to set your priorities straight. Change? Why, yes, please!

No longer will your hands feel tied; your transition is well under way. Not only are there new beginnings which await you, but you are ready and fearless to begin this new adventure. It may actually come down to one moment, where you take that chance, double down, and let faith guide you. The Universe says you shall have exactly what you need. If you have been very thorough in your work, checking off that list, and putting in the time necessary to be so meticulous with your projects, then your change will be upon you.

This is your year to break out and be noticed. Intuitively, you know better than to give into any temptations which could derail your success. There is a new-found power which will become available to you, and it comes through the security you create, not only financial, but tight relationship bonds as well. You find a position you think you would like to keep for a while; do not become too comfortable, the Universe isn’t done with you yet.

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Thanks in advance for your share!❤️

July Love and Finance Tarot Guidance on YouTube:

Also see:

July Astro-Tarot

Sun in Cancer 

Full Moon in Capricorn 

Summer/Winter Solstice

Venus in Gemini

Pluto Retrograde

Jupiter in Libra

Neptune Retrograde

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