Featured Card of the Day – 3 of Air – Dreams of Gaia by Ravynne Phelan


Artist: Ravynne Phelan

Website: http://www.RavynnePhelan.com


Education, Talent, Study, Willingness, Guides/Teachers, Comprehension, Communication, Perception

Key Phrases

– Expand your mind
– Every experience offers a lesson
– Education is a lifelong process
– Learning aids comprehension
– Lessons repeat until we understand
– Learning transforms talent into skill
– Don’t kill the messenger
– Ignorance is nothing to be proud of

Card Meaning

The Three of Air symbolizes the importance of education and study in helping us to reach our highest potential, and reminds us that education should be thought of as a lifelong process. Life, itself, teaches us. Every experience can offer us a lesson. The people around us, and those who come into our lives, can all teach us, and guide us. They can give us insight into who we are, who they are, and our relationships within society, nature, and our immediate environments.

Education serves to help the individual develop an understanding of life and to comprehend it. It helps to maintain a sense of freedom and purpose. It helps us to determine whether a situation is right or wrong for us, and provides us with other options. It also helps us to see that there can be long-term ramifications – rewards and consequences – to our actions.

We learn ofour history, we learn of our possible future, we learn about nature and the world, we learn about ourselves as a race, and we learn about the universe in which we dwell. The knowledge we receive via an education empowers us, and the more we know, the more we can accomplish. Education helps us to use our minds and our senses to our benefit. It protects us from being fooled, manipulated, and deceived, and it also gives us the means to follow our dreams. The more we learn,the more we can comprehehnd, and the easier it becomes to communicate and express ourselves.

But to become both learned and educated takes time, and a willingness to commit oneself to a lengthy process of study, and evaluation of the information we have gathered. We must observe and listen, study, absorb, and then be tested to see if we comprehend what we have learned -and then observe more, and listen more, study absorb, and be tested once again. This process does not stop even when we leave the classroom. Life is our classroom, and it is by living life that our passions and talents, and the opportunity to seek to increase our knowledge in a manner that can transform those passions and talents into genuine skill, will be revealed.

The Three of Air reminds us to move through life with the intention of learning from life, from our experiences, from the people around us, and from the world around us. To accomplish this, we can ask questions about everything – and of everyone – with whom we come in contact. We can seek out our elders, and those who have different customs, because one will teach of of traditions and of a history that is not discussed in books, and the other will expose us to ideas and beliefs that are different to our own. Both, in turn, an provide us with the contrast and depth that will enable us to perceive the world from multiple perspectives.

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