Card of the Day – The Emperor – Wednesday, September 9, 2020

This is one of those days where the card is made just for today. Tarot cards have both an astrological and planetary association, and in the case of the Emperor, it is Aries and Mars. There is no coincidence here, folks, as today, Mars, currently in home sign of Aries, begins its retrograde (Mars retrogrades less frequently than any other planet), which will last through November 13, with its shadow period running into 2021. So, what does this mean for our God of War? Mars is action and energy, and when retrograde, that energy tends to slow down, making this period one where you do not want to try to get a new venture off the ground, lest you see it sputter and fall flat. Stick with what you already have in the works, and apply your energy there, so as to be ready when the timing is right.

The Emperor card is the Father of the Tarot, representing the masculine, and while fathers tend to be protective, they can also be forceful, and immovable, like when you want to borrow the car, and the answer is “NO!!” Authority figures in general may be present in your day, feeling like a big old roadblock, preventing you from doing what you wish. The rules are the rules, and the establishment has the final say. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly

This card was last seen August 12, 2020

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