Featured Card of the Day – 8 of Pentacles – 78 Tarot Astral ~ Tarot in Space

Artist:  So Ma

Website:  http://www.instagram.com/soma7artist/


Hard work, commitment, diligence

Artist Interpretation  

I loved that I was asked to represent the Eight of Pentacles for 78 Tarot Astral this year. It was important that I capture the traditional elements that depicts the craft person’s intense concentration on completing the task at hand. A card that symbolises reward through hard work and persistence. Traditionally shown with the town in the background and the crafter completing the eighth Pentacle. I chose to depict elements of the traditional card, through the use of space, linking my astronaut to the town (spaceship) with the focus of the card on the Pentacles being crafted using beams of rainbow light.  

Card Meaning 

Alone in the darkest reaches of space, a single astronaut works to create stunning, stellar pentacles. Far off in the distance her spaceship waits, her crew and friends on board. But for now, she is alone, tethered to them only by a single, fragile life-line, as she works hard. A smile hovers on her face, she is not upset or disturbed by the solitude, instead she welcomes it, her entire focus on the task at hand. She needs no help, or company. Cheerful work banter would distract her.

When this card appears in a reading, it is suggesting that it’s time to knuckle down and put some effort in, to focus and block out all distractions. The time for play and procrastination has passed, and work needs to be your absolute focus. But your attitude is key. This is work, but it doesn’t have to be boring, or become a chore…it’s up to you. If you go into it thinking negatively, then it will. But if you see it as an opportunity to take pride in your skills, a chance to build on your experience and use your current abilities to help you get it done quickly, if you can take pleasure in a job well done, then the work will speed by! You know you can do this…

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