Featured Card of the Day – 2 of Cups – Lightseer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne Donnelly

Artist: Chris-Anne Donnelly

Key Concepts

Light Seer: romantic partners, soulmates, friendships, connected hearts, passion, kindred spirits, joyful connection and cooperation, union, sometimes marriage, duality, love consciousness

Shadow Seer: emotional blocks, not being open to receive love, disharmony, unions disrupted, separation, healing past trauma

Message from the 2 of Cups

Beautiful soul, when you bring joy to the surface of your life and share it with those around you, you will attract deep and meaningful ties with others. This card whispers of romance and love, bliss and attraction, and the unity of the like-hearted. Sometimes it signifies the beginning of a new friendship or a business partnership, while at other times it marks a profound romantic union. This pairing of perfectly matched souls has the potential to develop into the magickal entanglement of twin flames, or the merging of paths that will be forever united or changed. If you are single, look for the arrival of a romantic companion who will be a profoundly passionate and devoted lover.

The love hormone Oxytocin is emitted when we experience feelings of love. It is also emitted when we feel envy or jealousy. We can be addicted to either feeling, so choose to consciously remain on the side that serve up heaping doses of love. In shadow, this card can suggest a break-up, a falling out or a need to work on a partnership. Soul-ties can illuminate our deepest growth opportunities and our most exquisite idiosyncrasies, and your flourishing involvement with another’s soul will grant you a gateway to your own highest evolution. Are you putting enough energy into your relationships? How you see yourself as part of a committed pair will deepen and shift when the effervescent magic of the Two of Cups bubbles into your life. This duality will serve as a sacred reflection for you both, and you will teach one another who you really are – shadow and light – with your intermingling of spirit, emotion, love, harmony, and balance.

Connect with Chris-Anne Donnelly:

Website: http://www.Chris-Anne.com

Facebook: Chris-Anne.com/Pixelbrand

Instagram: pixiecurio

Twitter: @_ChrisAnne

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