Card of the Day – Ace of Cups – Saturday, October 23, 2021

With each passing day, there appears to be improvement over the day before it. This by no means indicates that all is right with the world, but some days do feel better than others, and this is one of them. It is no secret that the Ace of Cups is my favorite card, especially with its representation of love for humankind. Some of you may even be attending a wedding today, and everyone seems to be brimming with positive emotions. The sweet smell of success may be in the air, and it is yours, for you are the one who is accomplishing things toward your goals.

The Ace of Cups earns the distinction of being such a magnificent card because it is Divine Intervention, the type where the Universe seemingly hands you what you need. It is representative of love, unconditional love, weddings, emotional fulfillment, intuition, creativity, and success, just to name a few. Having this card in your corner today is a sign you are beginning to move in the right direction. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot by Kelly Burton

This card was last seen August 26, 2021

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