Card of the Day – 10 of Cups – Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy, happy! Joy, joy! I am not about to promise complete bliss here, but I do believe you can focus on home and family today, whatever they may be to you. Happiness is key to all, and perhaps you can fit in some time to do something special with those closest to you. It is not uncommon to see weddings take place right now, so some of you could be tying the knot, while others may be in attendance. Congratulations if this is the case. I do not want you to think that something monumental needs to take place here, but appreciation for what you do have could turn out to be the key to happiness. It is often the littlest of things which mean the most.

The 10 of Cups is a card of fulfillment and contentment of the emotional variety. The bonds formed under this card are of a deep and loving nature, and more often than not they are unconditional. Jupiter’s entrance into Pisces may be giving you all of the feels, and it is perfectly okay to revel in them and enjoy the moment. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Disney Villains Tarot

This card was last seen November 5, 2021

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