Card of the Day – Knight of Cups – Monday, March 13, 2023

While this is one of the most-welcome cards in the Tarot, today, it comes with a bit of a side note, a caution, if you will. Neptune is quite active this week, and not favorably so, as it will interact with both Mars and the Sun, amping up the wattage on your rose-colored glasses, which ultimately could have you falling prey to scammers and the like, and possibly being duped by someone you thought you could trust. This romantic Knight has a way of idealizing, romanticizing, and fantasizing, and his dreaminess would normally be a good thing, but you need to know when not to allow yourself to overlook what really is.

The Knight of Cups is the Bringer of Love, and he can be a bit lost in his own thoughts at times, dreaming of love, romance, and his dearly-held hopes and dreams. Enjoy his ability to dream, but do not let yourself be fooled by those who would choose to deceive you, and to pull the wool over your eyes. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source: Green Glyphs Tarot by James R. Eads (Follow on Instagram @prismavisions and

This card was last seen February 18, 2023

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