Card of the Day – 5 of Cups – Thursday, May 23, 2024

Full Moon blessings! Today there is a spectacular Full Moon 2° Sagittarius, and it could very well be the best of 2024. Full Moons are known for bringing culminations, but this one also brings with it a lovely shift, from what was (perhaps even lost), to what will be. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is working overtime to help you with this, so you can now focus on that which remains. There is optimism available to you, and Venus and Neptune are also in on the act, keeping things quite special. Provided you can shift your focus with all of the shifting energies, you should find yourself in a good space, ready to build from here. Everything else is all just water under the bridge, and not worth your time letting it occupy your thoughts and emotions.

The 5 of Cups is a card of loss and broken relationships, but there is so much more which awaits you. Think of the old saying, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk.” You have so many possibilities coming your way, so do not dwell on things which did not work as you had hoped. For earliest possible access to my Tarot Card of the Day, download the free PodBean app from your AppStore, or follow me across your favorite podcast platforms.

See you here tomorrow!

Source:  Traditional Korean Tarot by Bana (Follow on Instagram @banamama_b)

This card was last seen February 1, 2024

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