Card of the Day – 10 of Wands – Friday, July 1, 2016

It has only been a matter of days since we last saw this card! The 10 of Wands is not one of those cards that people eagerly await as it deals with burdens, responsibilities and oppression. But yet, here we are again. The last time we saw this card was on June 24, and we discussed having that bear-skin rug by October. This particular depiction is one of the most creative interpretations I have ever seen.

So, let’s talk about this card and why the artist is showing us a group of people sitting on bleachers, seemingly at a sporting event of some sort, but more so the type where there is an activity taking place they should not be watching, such as dog fighting, etc. However, the object of everyone’s attention in this card is you! You have been in survival mode for so long and just like our last visit with this card and our man fighting off the bear, these onlookers are watching you fighting off that which has been holding you down. To me, this truly does not seem fair, but in typical 10 of Wands fashion, there never seems to be anyone coming to your rescue and you are going it alone, and that is how it shall remain.  You are almost there. Perhaps we can take some comfort in the fact that others, while they are not chipping in to help, are taking notice to how you continue to rise up and keep on going no matter how heavy the burden or difficult the struggle. Remember, you will soon be done with this part and be able to put down that load you have been carrying for so long. 

See you here tomorrow!

Thanks in advance for your share!❤️

Source: Tarot of the Imagination

This card was last seen June 24, 2016

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July Love and Finance Tarot Guidance on YouTube:

Bonus Video – Summer/Winter Solstice:

Also see:

July Astro-Tarot

The Path You’ve Chosen

Sun in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer

Summer/Winter Solstice

Mars in Scorpio 

Venus in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer

Neptune Retrograde

Pluto Retrograde

Jupiter in Virgo

Saturn in Sagittarius – Part 2

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Tarot by Cecelia, The Group

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Crystal Healing

One comment

  1. Incredibly accurate…or maybe high-vibration connected… Thank you for the confirmation. Glad I found you-please keep shinning your guided light ❤️

    Sent from my iPhone


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